Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm going to reference back to Chase Jarvis' blog, yet again, and his 7 creative habits:

1.Get into adventures. Instead of saying no, say yes. Whether it’s agreeing going to the South China Sea or to Sundance festival or the grocery store.
2. Devour popular culture. Examine the work of other artists, movies, books, magazines, the interwebs.
3. Take pictures of things. I photograph things I see in the world that inspire me and use
them for reference.
4. Scribble ideas. On a notepad, ipad, or whatever.
5. Share your ideas with others. Better ideas often come
from a conversation. Give and receive. It’s a dialectic.
6. Ask Questions. Lots of other people know more than you do.
7. Listen. Try to listen caref
ully. When other people talk, you should listen. Ideas are everywhere.

fabulous advice, don't you think??
a november resolution, to do a better job of harnessing creativity when it comes along instead of pushing it to the side.

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